2023 Jan 29
Guy Swann episode on Stephan livera podcast
Converge on one money because it’s a communication platform, just for value. Just like using traffic lights and paint on the road is an agreed on way of communicating how to safely navigate the street, the fact that we all use the same one means we can function properly.
Other tokens and whatnot may have some utility—many are straight gambling—but they will never be money. The ultimate decider is what’s the most salable, and nothing will be more salable than bitcoin (in the long term). For a while I’ve been weary to say Bitcoin will be the one, like oh who knows it’s hard to predict, but with more macroeconomic perspective lately, I’m getting more clarity on the convergence to a single monetary medium.
- Will clash of clans elixir become money in the presence of Bitcoin?
Joined and introduced myself in the Summer of Bitcoin discord. Also recommended the program to a freshman in my club that seems pretty bright/curious. Would be super cool to see him get into it and have a good experience.
Completed cryptopals challenge 11.